
to my golden one

(c) Vladimir Georgiev


Sting. On stage. And all I think about is you.
All those nights of frantic writing.
Every lyric is you, you, you.
So much.
I remember dreaming of you and then listening to When We Dance.
I had a dream last night
I dreamt you were by my side
Walking with me baby
My heart was filled with pride

Such serenity. The serenity we had, the warmth, the refuge, the trust that we’re not alone at being alone…
Discovering every song, every verse, every note together… I went through some old diaries and found some of my letters to you. So daring, so pure, so innocent. I could never write such brave letters again.
Have I told you that you made me who I am? I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you.
My very core is you.
You, and Sting, and night air.
Simple things really – autumn, moon and rain. So many letters, so many words, and all that’s left are the simple things, the basics – nature and music.
Sunrises and sunsets.
Stars and nebulas.
Falling leaves and autumn air.
Rain and thunderstorms.
Sea and sea-gulls.
Moon and clouds.
Mulder and Scully. :)
Alanis and Tori.
The Little Prince and the Fox.
Sharing and understanding.

Simple things – Our things

I miss you.
I miss you!

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