This morning was phuuun, phuuun! I had two lucid dreams:
Dream 1
I go into my dream body: I'm at home, my mom is in bed. I rub my hands, look at them, this moment is always exhilerating. I try spinning so I can stay in the dream. My mom is not very surprised, I often do it in real life so nothing new here. It's dark outside and I don't like it. I start snapping my fingers towards the window and saying: "Light! Light! Light!" and the sky is getting lighter. My mom, however, gets mad:
"Light, light - what is it with you people with this constant longing for light?!"
(Philosophical, eh?)
It didn't get totally sunny the way I wanted it though.
Then I hear my son laughing, I see him sitting on a chair and pick him up - he's like 2 years younger, and I'm like: "Oh my Goooood, Yoyo, you're so small and light!"
I was so happy to see my baby son that I awoke.
Dream 2
I guess it was a WILD cause I got into my dream body, I was at a secluded area somewhere in the mountains - hand rubbing and looking again, and I decided to fly over the trees. I flew over a city to a sea shore and a beach. Then it got very dark, I was at a pool or something, sitting next to a chubby aging guy who was pretty happy and cynical. I asked him:
"Who are you?"
He was like: "Well, isn't this the scariest question of all? I'm the answerer. (Отговорчикът!)"
Then I saw my son in the water and asked him:
"Are you happy?"
"Why?", he replied.
It's getting more and more philosophical, and I love it. "Why" is a great answer to "Are you happy?" It's like... happiness is a natural state and asking about it only spoils it.
Then someone told me that my son's teacher hurt his leg or something, and I got scared => lost my lucidity.
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